"My guide to an A* research publication"

Welcome to "FPM/PhD Chaha" Website!

This website is an initiation to harness the immense potential of peer learning with a common goal of publishing quality doctorate paper through FPM/Phd program. Visitors are welcomed to contribute their experiences on the blog.

Disclaimer: This website does not belong to any profit or non-profit organisation and is not intended to sell any product. The admin on the website is no how benefited from it in any way.


The logo oval callout represents the ability of the users of this website to speak and the small contribution that they can make (visible in the little deformity of oval) in the existing body of knowledge. Different colors speak of diversity and inclusion. The arrow upward shows career growth.


16/05/2015 22:50

Increase in UGC-JRF amount

Refer: https://www.dst.gov.in/whats_new/whats_new14/fellowship_revision.pdf
16/05/2015 22:49

XLRI is now AMBA Accredited

Refer: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/on-campus/xlri-is-now-amba-accredited/article7201787.ece
30/09/2013 18:57

Website launched

Our new website has been launched today.  


What would you like to go for in India?


What matters the most after completion of PhD/FPM while looking for job in India?


What are the career prospects in teaching after FPM/PhD in India?

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